Stützengrün industrial estate on the B169

Following the example of its neighbours in the former West Germany, Stützengrün established a separate industrial estate on its outskirts shortly after reunification, situated on a 7 ha site to the north of the B169. The new estate has brought a number of benefits to the town:

  1. Residential areas are less crowded
  2. New jobs have been created
  3. Old technology and dilapidated buildings are disappearing from the landscape

But it wasn't a smooth journey to get to this point. The first resolution to build an industrial estate here was passed on 11 July 1990. Many municipal council meetings were held and scores of decisions needed before all of the documents could finally be submitted to the regional council in Chemnitz and state government in Dresden. Despite all this, the proposal was rejected on 23 December 1992. The town council submitted an appeal against the decision on 4 January 1993. A special meeting was held, and thankfully, the result was positive. We got the green light for our industrial estate, and work began on 8 June 1993. Eight new companies have since moved in, of which two have already expanded and built new production halls. A number of other expansion projects are currently in the planning phase.